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Bit Bounti

Now available on both iOS and Android! BitBounti is an app that leverages the power of IOTA and the tangle to allow users to gather and sell data securely and accurately. Users will enter demographic information about themselves that will never be shared without their explicit consent. Companies can then request data directly from specific demographics in the form of "bounties". Bounties come in many forms including surveys, reviews, traffic tracking, translation services, user testing -- anything that could be useful. Users can choose to accept bounties, fulfill them, and get paid instantly with IOTA. Rather than allowing large corporations to sell and profit from people's data, BitBounti is allowing people to profit off their own data. It just makes sense. In its current (hackathon) form, BitBounti is connected to the testnet and only showing off short, premade surveys. These surveys utilize flash channels by initializing a channel, transferring IOTA from a company (test account) to a user for each question answered, and distributing funds when the survey is ended. IOTA is transferred to an internal wallet that users can then transfer (not yet implemented) to their personal wallets.

Preview release channel "default"
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