Public project page deprecation

The information on this page has moved inside the authenticated dashboard. The QR code for updates on this page will be removed on April 30, 2024. If this page is part of your team's development process, please migrate your workflow to use the following pages:

  • You can access general information about your project at /accounts/razlze/projects/komi.

  • You can preview updates on the channel, branch, and update detail pages. You can share preview update QR codes publicly through the "Share" buttons on those pages.

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Komi essentially acts as a smart search engine that displays the busyness of stores nearby using data collected from Google Maps's Popularity Times feature. Komi retrieves all of the supermarkets and grocery stores within a specified radius of the user and lists them by busyness, with "Not Busy" being the least busy (shown when the store is at very low capacity) and "Very Busy" being the busiest (shown when the store is about as busy as it gets), all complete with colour coding to allow easy differentiation. Users can also star specific stores that they visit often or want to save, which can be filtered for right on the main search page. The radius within which to search for stores can also be changed, and there is also a search function to find a specific store.

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